Unfortunately, this is not always taken into account in political science research. 2020-04-15 15:07:00

Unfortunately, this is not always taken into account in political science research.

This is extremely important primarily for legal research of public administration, because in legal science, the philosophical understanding of state phenomena and processes is poorly studied. Although compared to other social sciences, legal science is one of the most capable of adopting cybernetic principles, approaches and methods.

The cognitive advantages of a systems approach do not mean that in all cases it is appropriate to consider each management object from a systemic standpoint. Without a clear research intention, which is facilitated by the application of systemic views, such an approach in itself does not provide anything valuable.

Unfortunately, this is not always taken into account in political science research. Sometimes their “systemic saturation” is reduced to the proclamation of systemic principles and terms. Moreover, the insufficient “efficiency” of the system approach in political science research is now due to its not weak general scientific development.

There is a gap between a well-developed methodology of a systematic approach as part of the general methodological foundations of public administration research, on the one hand, and the level of use of its capabilities in solving special research problems – on the other. It is deepened, in particular, by the fact that there are cases of mechanical application of system categories to the studied state and legal phenomena and processes.

Given the specifics of the systems approach, it should be fully borne in mind that the adequate application of the systems approach necessarily involves the construction of a special conceptual framework that provides a transition from general methodological principles to specific problems of the relevant field of knowledge.

The main purpose of the systems approach is not just to analyze some systems, but to systematically consider some sets of elements and relationships between them, which the researcher in accordance with their tasks defines as systems.

Moreover, on the basis of the same object under study, various systems can be modeled: depending on the selected criterion, ie its component or property, which will be defined as the so-called system-creating feature. For example, the apparatus of public administration can be represented as a system of bodies, a system of employees (officials), a system of functions, a system of powers, and so on.

However, the very question of any management object as a system loses its meaning without a clear understanding of the category “system” which is basic in the system approach.

The most essential and defining attribute of any social system is its integrity. This means the presence of an integrative effect (also referred to as synergistic or emergent) of the interaction of system elements, which is not equal to the result of a simple summation of the actions of these elements separately from each other. Thus, in public administration research it is advisable to operate with the definition of the concept of the system as a holistic entity with new integrative qualities that are not inherent in its components separately, but arise due to their interaction in the system [I].

Another feature of the application of cognitive tools of the systems approach in the study of public administration stems from the fact that the use of the systems approach in all its constituent aspects is, so to speak, a program-maximum of system cognition. Depending on the research tasks, in each specific cognitive situation it is necessary to decide on the choice of certain aspects of the systems approach and the corresponding limitation of the scope of its conceptual apparatus.

The whole set of system categories, expressing the complex content of any real system, is divided into certain groups, each of which characterizes the relatively independent aspects of the system approach. The main such aspects are considered to be:

structural construction (structural aspect); functioning processes {functional aspect); development (genetics-prognostic aspect) of the system object.

Each of these aspects can be disclosed and more differentiated, depending on the level of detail of the parties and the manifestations of a particular system.

The question of applying a systematic approach does not exhaust the content of methodological knowledge regarding the study of public administration. For example, the need to study dialectical contradictions in public administration is extremely relevant and practically important. After all, the doctrine of contradictions, as we know, is the basis of the dialectical method of scientific knowledge.

The category of contradictions is crucial for an adequate interpretation of the essence of managerial phenomena and processes. The “vision” of contradictions in public administration deepens the understanding of the objective laws of its functioning, development and improvement. Therefore, the analysis of contradictions is necessary in each study, which aims to identify the essential features of the cognitive object, external and internal conditionality of its development, methods and means of solving pressing problems.

Unfortunately, in the domestic management literature not enough attention is paid to this area of ​​research, although some efforts were made at the time [2]. One of the reasons for this is the weak elaboration of the problem of social contradictions in social science. Most often, such an analysis was reduced to giving real-life examples, and the actual theoretical issues of the emergence and resolution of contradictions were not considered.

Given this, it is advisable to pay attention to solving a number of urgent methodological problems. First, it is necessary from a dialectical point of view to give a scientific interpretation of contradictions as a specific phenomenon in public administration, as well as to organically include it in the methodological arsenal of the theory of public administration. Secondly, it is important to identify and identify objectively existing contradictions by types, types and forms of manifestation in order to reasonably take them into account in the targeted improvement of public administration.

Third, it is necessary to reveal the dynamics of the development of contradictions in order to improve the scientific forecasting of this development, to take into account the impact of economic, https://123helpme.me/animal-farm/ organizational, legal and other objective and subjective factors of the social environment in which public administration. Finally, it is expedient to make the justification of effective methods and means of timely resolution of contradictions a central direction of research of public administration.

On this basis, it would be possible to develop practical conclusions and recommendations for effective impact on the contradictions, taking into account the nature, severity of the manifestation and predictive assessments of their further development. In other words, it is necessary to create a scientific basis for taking into account and resolving dialectical contradictions in public administration as part of measures to form a democratic, social, legal state.

The essence of public administration

In domestic and foreign literature there is no stable and generally accepted concept of public administration. Some interpret it in terms of essence, real content, others – the forms in which it takes and in which it functions. Most often it is determined by distinguishing some from other types of state activity – all non-legislative and extrajudicial activities of the state and is the content of public administration. Such a formal definition does not reveal the true essence of public administration, its purpose.

From the standpoint of legal science, public administration is defined as the executive and administrative activities of the state. And this definition does not sufficiently reveal the material essence of management, does not exhaust its content, and the very concept of executive and administrative activities needs to be clarified.

Perhaps a more productive approach will be in terms of the real content of management as a specific type of social activity, the definition of its characteristics and features, not limited to legal formal assessment. Such an approach is typical for representatives of general sociological research, researching management problems. They mainly define management as a systematic purposeful influence of people on the social system as a whole or on its individual parts on the basis of knowledge and use of the system’s objective laws and trends in the interests of ensuring its optimal functioning and development, achieving the goal.

This definition emphasizes the most important purpose of management – ensuring the functioning and development of society as a whole, its organizing nature. Thus, management – this is the organizing activity of the state, aimed at fulfilling its tasks and functions.

However, in the interpretation of management by sociologists should be noted abstract-cybernetic emphasis, which emphasizes the most general patterns of management, characteristic of all managed systems, including systems of social (social) type. But this system of a special kind, where the essence of management processes is manifested not so much in quantitative as in qualitative characteristics, and abstract-cybernetic approach to management problems in the public environment does not provide adequate formalized description of the studied processes, ignoring their social consciousness.

The most important thing that distinguishes social management from other types of management (technical and biological) is that it is carried out by influencing consciousness and will, and, consequently, the interest of man to achieve the goal. And any purposeful activity of people is associated with the realization of their interest as a conscious need, due to their material existence, the objective socio-economic structure of society, ie social purpose is a phenomenon of social consciousness as an expression of general needs and interests of social groups.

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